On Thursday November 16, The Freedom Theatre held a graduation ceremony to celebrate the end of a year-long early childhood training course. This was a pilot for The Freedom Theatre and the first training programme of its kind in Palestine. We are incredibly proud of this achievement, which is indeed a significant step forward in our quest to improve the lives of children in Jenin.

The principles of education taught in the course is based on the Holistic Integrated Approach developed by Palestinian early childhood specialist Jacqueline Sfeir, in which play is a prerequisite for healthy and educational development of children. The aim of the programme is to guide the participants in creating a high-quality instructive environment that motivates children to explore their curiosity, creativity and desire to discover the world. 

During the graduation event, each participant presented their learnings throughout the year, including their own individual journey of development and adopting new methods, taught by both Palestinian and international specialists in the field of early childhood teaching.

Mustafa Sheta, general secretary of The Freedom Theatre, emphasised the theatre’s role in developing educational and cultural structures in Palestinian society with the introduction of this programme, and the theatre’s aim to continue the project over the coming years. “The Freedom Theatre believes this programme is fundamental for the growth and development of children in Jenin”, said Mustafa. “It’s primary focus is on creative child education as well as children’s role in society, a chance for them to explore their dreams and ideas; we help them to develop all these ideas through play and theatre. We believe children are the foundation of our society and we will do everything we can to support their growth for the future. The child and youth programme is fully aligned with the vision of The Freedom Theatre to create the next generation of freedom fighters, supporting the cultural resistance in Palestine using the arts as a mechanism for change.”

A new beginner group is scheduled to start later in the month, while some of the current participants will continue in an advanced course. Our warmest congratulations to the class of 2016/2017, we wish all the participants every success in the next step of their journey!